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Professional Saddle Fitting Services
West Coast Distributors of New and Used Saddles and Tack

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The Joy of Riding
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Independent Saddle and Bit Fitting

Demo Saddle Sale
Check out some of our amazing deals on Demo Albion Saddles
Each saddle trial comes with free video consultation with a saddle fitting expert helping you make the best choice for you and your horse.

Saddle Fitting Clinics your barn and remote

Frequently Asked Questions
I often feel like I am sliding around in my saddle. What can I do?
Are you unable to find the “right” spot in the saddle? If this is the case a deeper seat is usually the best solution to give you the sense of security, comfort and placement you need.
My trainer is constantly telling me to keep my leg back. I feel like I am fighting to keep my leg in the right position. Can saddle fitting help?
The most common reason for fighting leg position is a saddle being out of balance. A saddle which is not level puts your seat and leg in the wrong position and creates pressure areas beneath the saddle on your horses back. If the horse has been fitted with the correct tree size, the panels on the underside can be adjusted through re-flocking to bring your saddle back into balance.
I am sore from hitting the pommel. Do I just need a new saddle?
Your saddle might be too low and the saddle is sending you forward. This is fixable by a narrower tree or re-flocking to bring the front up. Or the pommel design of your saddle might be too high in which case you need a saddle with a lower pommel.
I feel “locked in” position. I cant move in my saddle, and my aids are not coming through.
You probable need a saddle which offers a flatter, more open seat design. Though, sometimes the solution is as simple as a larger seat size. Deep seat dressage saddles always fit smaller than flatter seats. Saddle Seat size is a lot like the size of jeans. Each make and model varies a bit. You may be a 17 in one and an 18 in another. The outcome- support for your pelvis and seat bones, correct leg and flap position, and enough area for you to comfortably communicate with your horse- should determine your seat size.
Albion Dressage Saddles
Designed & Handmade in England - Demanded Worldwide
Albion SLK Ultima

Albion Revelation Couture

Albion Royale

Albion Jump Saddles
Designed & Handmade in England - Demanded Worldwide
Albion Legend K2 Jump

Albion Revelation Jump

Albion K3 Sport Jump

Nancy Dotti
Nancy Dotti has always loved horses. Her very first job at fifteen at a stable was giving children riding lessons and training horses. She loved the mental challenge of Dressage and the adrenalin of Jumping cross country even with a horse that was convinced he would die if he touched water. After College and a science degree Nancy combined her experience with her real passion while riding and training with an Olympic rider. It was there she met one of the first custom saddlers in the USA and began her professional training in order to apply science and technology to improving horse movement through saddle fit.
Nancy has trained with the owners, saddlers and designers at County Saddlery, Performance Saddlery and Albion Saddlery to learn more about saddle design, manufacture, fitting, and rider comfort. She continued her saddle training at The Society of Master Saddlers in the UK and the Master Saddle Society of the US. From both of these elite societies she became certified as a Master Saddle Fitter. She is a member of the Society of Master Saddlers of the UK and the Master Saddlers Society in the USA.
Nancy learns from each horse and rider she works with. Challenging horses inspire creative solutions which is what continues to makes saddle fitting exciting even after thirty years. Combining horse and rider biomechanics with the tenets of Saddle Fit have made Nancy an expert in her field and noted lecturer throughout the United States. Nancy continues to ride and train horses and has now successfully trained many young horses to happily go into water including the ocean.*
*not recommended for longevity of your saddle…
Bay Area, California, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada
Nancy Dotti
Southern California
Kimberley Brutzman/ JZ Saddles
Kateri Grismer
Kati German
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